Erasmus+ RMT

The European Institute of Research and Training (IERF) alongside the Regional Council of Ile-de-France, the Nanterre Centre for Employment and Training and its European partners – European Placement Network (Bristol), Esmovia (Valencia) CEDIT (Florence) and Berlink (Berlin) – are pleased to invite you to a seminar which will take place in Paris on the 8th of December 2016 to mark the he end of the cross-sectorial strategic partnership project “Erasmus+ RMT: The renewal of transnational mobility, a new opportunity for people looking to enter the labour market and for businesses.”

Understanding the perception and value that companies attribute to periods of transnational mobility and the development of materials and methods to capitalise on the experiences and benefits were the two main project areas of research in the “Erasmus + RMT project”.

Organised for institutional representatives, career guidance professionals and all stakeholders involved in this field of activity, the seminar will provide an ideal opportunity to present the three key deliverables of the Erasmus+ RMT project:

  • Perspectives of European companies on the Recognition of the benefits of transnational work-based mobility, based on a survey of 170 companies across five countries.
  • A cross European best practice compendium of tools for transnational mobility.
  • A methodological toolkit for the valorisation and capitalisation of the benefits transnational vocational mobility.

We look forward to seeing you and kindly ask you to register to

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